Music Through the Ages.

This all came about with a dictionary challenge. Two words were chosen, at random, and then a piece was created. Thrace was one of the words and then the other was a piano composer by the name of Arnold Schoenberg.


Merging two ideas...

Both were screen-printed onto glass and then fired. The Bullseye Opaline glass was a wonderful background for giving the one half an off-white look while the black contrasted well with the white enamels.


Two halves of a whole...

The old and new fused together to create this piece. We settled on music, for both. An ancient instrument and then the more modern were complements that worked together to make a whole.

Music Through the Ages.jpg

Before the melding...

The look is almost the same, before the kiln is fired, but sometimes it is is the magic of the heat that truly brings out the spirit of a piece.


Sweet Child

